Authentic Communication, up and down through the various levels of the organization and sideways through its various divisions, departments and sections in an organization and among superiors and subordinates vertically and peers horizontally in groups, will facilitate sound decision-making and effective implementations of decision taken. The process of communication should be completely open sharing all relevant facts and information as well as ideas and feelings. But this openness should be functional (intended to promote teamwork and organizational effectiveness) not dysfunctional (to adversely to affect intra-group and inter-group relations). Absolute openness can destroy even the most personal relationship as nudism can destroy married life. Communication can be effective only after “leveling” or equalizing the wavelength of those who communicate mutually. In other words a footing of equality among the members of a group or among the groups in an organization is a pre-requisite for effective communication. The other factors that improve team work and organizational effectiveness are Identifying the new jersey real estate primary goal of an organization and understanding it, Integration of individual goals, Mutual trust and support, Leadership, Selective use of members, Control methods, Environment and Achievement motivation.
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