Samsung’s Ultra Edition I series devices that were launched in India in 2006, took the market by a storm. The devices defied the 10mm benchmark of cell phones. For the uninitiated, the 10mm bench meant that it was not possible to include many features in a waistline as thin as 10mm. Beaming with pride at the success of I its Ultra Edition I series, Samsung showcased of its Ultra Edition ill series at the exposition. Comprising four handsets-SGHU600 and SGH U700 (sliders), SGH U300 (a clamshell) and the SGH U100 (a candy bar the series has it all. With a waistline of 5.9mm, the Samsung U100 is the kind of features that it has. The tri-band EDGE enabled device sports a 3.2 megapixel camera.
Further to Samsung’s partnership with Yahoo! The handset also packs in the Yahoo’s search engine and its instant messenger. Other features like uGo, uMenu, utrack and A2DP profile for Bluetooth are also packed in the slim form factor.
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