Science and technology development as an engine of growth for India has several facets, some of which have been mentioned earlier. One Key element relates to the creation of the modern infrastructure. This includes, among other things, transportation systems, communication systems, power, and urban and rural infrastructure.
Each one of them poses unique challenge, not only in installation, commissioning and operation but also in research and development. These R&D efforts encompass very broad-spectrum of technologies and engineering endeavors. To give a flavor of the breadth and depth of such challenging demands, we pick up energy as a case in point.
The demand for energy has grown enormously since the middle of the last century. As world population grew 3.2 times between 1850 and 1970, precipitate use of industrial energy grew nearly 20-fold. Due to fast depletion, increasing cost and environment issues with fossil fuels, alternative and renewable sources of energy have become important.
Total energy use is skewed towards the developed world. Though per capita commercial energy consumption in low income countries has more than doubled, 15 percent of the world’s population in the industrialized nations consume over half the energy produced.
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